13 Scariest Jobs In The World!
We’ve compiled the 13 scariest jobs in the world to get you in the Halloween mood. If you have ever felt like your job with its 40-hour working weeks was scary enough, saddle in… because these jobs really take the spooky biscuit.
The nights are drawing in and pumpkin spiced lattes are back at Costa. It must mean Halloween has rolled around again!
Want to survive your scary job… we have a blog post just for you. Click here to read ‘The Admin Assistant’s Ultimate Survival Guide’.
For now, here are the 13 scariest jobs in the world, enjoy…

1. Forensic Entomologist
We won’t delve too deep into this, as just thinking about it gives us the heeby-jeebys. Investigating dead bodies is bad enough… without adding creepy crawlies to the mix.
Although being able to determine aspects of death through insects is pretty interesting.
You would certainly need a strong stomach for this job! It certainly be ranked one of the scariest jobs in the world if it was up to us.

2. Ghost Hunter
Although people have questioned this job for as long as it has been around, the fact remains that people across the globe do do this as a profession!
Think of the British TV Show ‘Ghost Hunters’. These guys get paid to visit the scariest locations around the country and spend their evenings having the living daylights scared out of them.

3. Alaskan Crab Hunter
I’m sure this job would not have come to your mind when you first read ‘scariest jobs in the world’. But if you really think about it. These Crab Fisherman have to navigate the freezing cold Oceans surrounding Alaska. Home to the most dangerous and unforgiving seas in the world.
It has been noted as the most fatal job in the world, with 300 fatalities in every 100,000. That’s is every 0.3 worker. Scary stuff!
These deaths for the most part have notably been put down to drowning or hypothermia.
The ocean is unrelenting, navigating these waters alone, even without the risk of death. Put bluntly would be absolutely terrifying.
Not for the feint hearted!

4. Crime scene cleaner
After the police have been and gone, and the forensic team have collected their evidence, someone has to clean up the mess. Now we won’t go into details about what that might entail, we’re sure you can imagine.
Very, very grim indeed.

5. Smoke Jumper
What is a smoke jumper I hear you ask? Good question – these are incredibly brave people who are Heli-dropped amidst raging wildfires in the middle of burning forests.
Wildfires are incredibly unpredictable, winds, rains and temperature can change in an instant.
These workers put their lives at risk every day to help save our forests and those who live nearby.

6. Miner
Delving down into the deep crevasses of our world, dredging up materials that we need to survive in our lives.
We’ve all seen the likes of ‘The Descent’… no thanks.
There are 15,000 mining related deaths every year, and this is just what is documented.
This is scary enough to just read about, want to scare yourself even more? Watch this video on the Mirror website, where a mine explorer captures ‘demonic chanting’, in an old run down mine.
That’s a strong no from us!

7. Oil rig diver
So, think mining – but you can’t breathe – and there’s sharks around you – and your surrounded by flammable oil… Yep… we’d rather not too!
Whilst ALL of this is going on, you’ve also got a job to do, you must operate heavy machinery, and fix what must be fixed.
This is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and it’s totally clear why.

8. Bomb technician
Along with just being scary, it’s scary how clever these people are. It takes brains and guts to perform as a bomb technician.
One wrong move, or one wire cut incorrectly, and the game is all over. We don’t like those odds

9. Cyronics technician
Toying up whether this is creepy, cool, or creepily cool. The verdict is still out.
Cryogenically freezing people, so that, in the future when technology has caught up enough, they may be resurrected… Just… What!??
Although, it will be super cool for the people of the year 2821 to meet Walt Disney. How does this even go down?
Creepier still, they only freeze the head.

10. Storm Chaser
A bunch of lunatics chasing danger around…
People must report on weather activities, to report and store data of what’s happening. But it takes a special kind of person to gladly take on this responsibility. One minute you’re on the ground taking photos – the next you’re being flung around a tornado with a cow and the house on wizard of oz.

11. Pharmaceutical Trialist
Some of us out there, decide to boost their income by participating in medical trials. Few even do it as a full-time job, purely relying on this as income.
However, it comes at great risk. You don’t ever know exactly what the reactions will be of said drug.
There was interesting case where a group of healthy young males were administered an anti-inflammatory drug. This led them to report that their brains were on fire and they felt like there eyeballs were about to pop out. The worst effected lost fingers and toes.
They will all now suffer life-long problems including cancers and auto-immune diseases due to this drug.
Not quite sure the risk is worth the reward?

12. Undertaker
No one really needs much of an explanation as to why being an undertaker is scary. Dealing with corpses all day takes a really strong character.

13. Recruitment agent
The scariest of them all… yikes! … Justtt kidding.
Still not in the Halloween mood?
We scoured YouTube and found some of the creepiest video’s we could just for you!
Freaky or Faux-y?
This creepy footage of what appears to be a haunted office had us feeling a little uneasy, but is this fake do we think? Feel free to add your opinion in the comments section!
Ghostly night time activity
Now this one it might be a little harder to see how it could be a hoax. This is super freaky!
Top 10 scariest videos by the Daily Mail
Daily Mail have combined 10 of the scariest videos they could find on YouTube.
We hope you have enjoyed this Spooky Halloween Blog Edition!
Wishing you all a safe and fun Halloween!
Don’t forget, if this Halloween has you wanting out of your scary job… we have a great selection of roles, that could just be perfect for you! Have a peak here.
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